Monday, July 14, 2008

Another fine Axis from Hackberry

Kevin Lyssy is no stranger to big bucks. His ranch in Encinal is a few miles from Los Cazadores, home of the big buck contest. But to bag an Axis buck, he had to hoof it west to Hackberry. On Saturday morning, Kevin met up with one of our specimens on the road to the #3 feeder. After corning the road the day before, the 31 inch Axis stood 165 yards from where Kevin took the shot with his .300 Mag.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Coffey Deer

Here's a picture of a nice Axis that Bill and Bill JR took together - look at those Brow Tines! 14"!

Of course, you will have to guess the following:

A. They left the cooler open with corn, waited for it, and shot it!

B. Bill is getting better at pics - he is at least taking them now and is getting lower, but forgot to take the picture before placing it in the cooler!

C. We should all be happy that Bill figured out how to actually use a digital camera, so does it really matter that the deer is in the cooler!

D. Forget the picture, at least Bill field dressed his animal before placing it in the cooler - unlike Landon and his Aoudad.

The Correct Answer is: D

Congrats on an awesome Axis!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Finally! South Africa 2006 Journal

10 Separate entries covering my trip to South Africa in 2006 including pictures.
